Student Transportation
GBS offers student transportation for a fee. Parents can inquire about the cost and areas serviced by contacting the school registrar. All parents who use the school’s transportation services will sign a contract and agreed to the terms and conditions.
In order for all students to have a safe, positive experience while riding the GBS buses, it is critical that all students adhere to the following rules:
1- Students are not allowed to enter or exit the bus without the bus driver’s permission.
2- Students must remain seated at all times when inside the bus.
3- Students are not permitted to raise their voices or use impolite language under any circumstances when inside the bus (no disrespectful talk to maids, bus drivers, or other students).
4- Students must keep their hands to themselves; fighting or physical contact of any sort is not permitted.
5- Students are not allowed to dispose of trash inside the bus nor throw any objects out of the bus windows.
6- Students must be ready and fully prepared at the prearranged morning pick-up time (students who are tardy disrupt the entire bus schedule and make all of the students on the bus late to school).
7- Students are required to obey the bus driver’s and maid’s instructions while inside the bus.
The support of the parents in stressing the importance of following safety rules when using the bus is crucial in providing a safe and pleasant ride back and forth to school. .
Students who refuse to follow these rules will not be permitted to use school transportation.